Thank you for subscribing to Sunday GOLD, my weekly email that’s designed to help you find YOUR inner gold!
In my work with clients (and in my own life) I’ve found that there are four elements that are absolutely necessary for each and every transformation. Whether you are looking for a creative breakthrough, needing personal direction, making a career choice, working through a difficult decision, or just trying to cultivate some joy, the answer you’re looking for is like hidden gold…gold that is worth doing whatever it takes to find it.
I call these four elements transformation “GOLD.” They are powerful keys to finally getting unstuck and finding the path to doing the work (and living the life) you were created for. Each email follows the simple G.O.L.D. acronym so you’ll always know what to expect from me: free, actionable prompts for deep and meaningful impact.
Grab a fresh journal, because you’re going to want to write out your reflections and goals each week! I promise you’ll find nuggets worth saving on paper as you record your journey.
Finally, here is a Quick Start PDF to get you on your way to finding your Gold:
See you Sunday!