You have what it takes to live well.
It’s all about embracing your inner donkey.
Some of us feel like donkeys in a world that celebrates racehorses–the shiny and flashy success stories that make us question our own worth and abilities. But life isn’t about competing for gold medals; it’s about discovering our mettle–understanding our unique strengths and using them to mine all the gold that’s hidden within us.
A delighful blend of short reflections and original illustrations, Rachel Anne Ridge’s The Donkey Principle has a central, timely message: Embracing your inner donkey is the key to overcoming obstacles, creating lasting change, and achieving meaningful success.
Let Rachel provide the motivation you need to keep going through difficult situations, especially if you need a “gentle kick” in the right direction. As donkeys, let’s get off the endless loop of competition to find the kinds of paths and work that suit us best; the kind where we can bless the world with our truest gifts.

People are saying…

“God often drops the most unlikely teachers in our paths. The gift each of us is given in equal shares is the ability to listen to them. In this book, you are going to learn a lot more about donkey’s than you probably have heard before. When you turn the last page, Rachel isn’t hoping you will want you to make a hobby farm out of your beautiful life, she hopes you will make it a working ranch. This is not merely the story about a particular donkey, it is a story about you and me, how we can grow and what we might learn about our lives if we’re willing.”
Bob Goff, Husband, father, donkey lover and author of four New York Times Best Selling books

“This book is fantastic. Every page drew me in–making me smile, reflect, and consider the future.”
Priscilla Shirer, author and speaker

I loved this book! “Life isn’t a racetrack that’s built only for the fastest, shiniest thoroughbreds competing for some elusive prize. Not at all! Instead, life—your life—is a gold mine that’s filled with treasures just waiting to be unearthed. If we are to think of our lives as gold mines containing hidden treasure, we must also realize that a lot of rubble must be removed in order to find that gold.” As Rachel tells you in this extraordinary book, “Precious gold is available to those who are in it for the long haul—who are willing to go deep, time after time, to bring that mother lode from within into the light of day.”
I may not have made it as a doctor, or a lawyer, but following the same track she describes in this book for 50 years, my donkey, Little Jack Horner and I did find that “Precious Gold” and more joy than I could ever imagined! Rachel has described a map to a truly successful and fulfilling life that is so simple, but so rewarding if you are willing to open your heart to understanding the donkey within you!
“Joy happens when we stop pretending to be something we are not, and instead, become the truest version of who we are.“
Meredith Hodges, Lucky Three Ranch

“Fabulous! I will never look at a donkey the same way again. These charming creatures have so much to teach us about how to live, find purpose, and walk with God. And there couldn’t be a better guide for your journey than Rachel Anne Ridge.”
Lisa Whelchel, actress and author

“I love this book and you will too. Rachel is us. The lessons she has learned with her two precious donkeys are practical, doable and hope-filled for the long haul.”
Sheila Walsh, author, speaker, and television host

“The beautiful union between this amazing author and storyteller and her beloved Flash brings a book of life principles that has something for everyone! All inspired by a donkey, teaching us to never underestimate where we gain enlightenment and wisdom when we are open to receiving it in the simplest of forms. Like a furry friend!”
Cindy Owen, Given Entertainment

“If you’ve struggled with confidence and comparison, this book is a breath of fresh air. It gives you permission to embrace the uniqueness of your journey and strengths to forge a path leading to YOUR version of success. Approach life with the keen sense of curiosity of a donkey and watch the magic happen!”
Alison Lumbatis, Founder of Get Your Pretty On, author and speaker

“This is a joy to read and I have no doubt it is going to touch and inspire many people! Well done to everyone involved!! (And if you end up going to visit Flash and Henry, I will gladly hold your bags and bring you food if I can come and fan-girl over them!! ;-)”
Jennifer Bleakley, author and speaker