What if you could change your world? What if you could improve the way you communicate with others, and boost the way you get things accomplished? What if I told you that you could make immediate significant progress in reaching your potential? In motivating your team? In connecting with your family?
Would you know where to start?
Most of us would answer with a shrug and a sheepish mumble about setting goals and how eating better would probably help…and then trail off in defeat.
That’s because we are bombarded with ideas and systems that leave us feeling confused and overwhelmed.
I get it. It’s tough to remember that system you learned in a workshop five months ago…that stopped working three months ago. Been there.
Allow me to suggest:
Begin with the letter “A.”
On this blog I will present a series of mind shifts taken from what I call The Donkey Principle™, which I’ve organized so that each begins with A.
Hokey? Sure, okay.
Cheesy? I’ll accept that.
But I will also accept: Memorable. Relatable. Inspiring. Unforgettable. Applicable.
I’ll even stake my claim on: Life Changing.
So for now, just picture the letter “A.”
Oh, and a donkey. You have to picture a donkey in your mind or this won’t work.
Need a graphic? Here’s one with the keywords:
You see, as an artist and a creative, I know the power of mental imagery. A picture REALLY IS worth a thousand words, because it bypasses all the circuitry in your brain that tends to bog down on “explanation overload.”
Ay, ay, ay, all the WORDS! So many words!
In contrast, a mental picture instantly registers in that part of your brain where memory is stored. You neurons start firing before the words can even be formed. In nano-seconds.
“Ah, THAT’s it!” you say, and as if by magic all the associations you’ve learned along with that picture flood in. You’re already half-way home.
The Donkey Principle™ words jog your memory and spark action. Forward movement! They’re all Big A words with a wagon load of power.
Stay tuned.