Forbes recently put out their 2021 30 under 30 list, and I’m here to tell you that there’s SO much more to life than achieving “greatness” early.
It’s absolutely okay to NOT know what your passion is or what direction to take when you’re 30….or 40…. and beyond. Look:
Don’t let anyone tell you you’re too old to start something new.
This note to self “Start Where You Are” has been on my fridge for at least 10 years. It’s a reminder that today is the perfect place to start…right where you are…with what you have.
If you wait for the “perfect” moment to begin, it will never arrive.
What would it look like if you were to succeed? What if it takes you a decade to be an “overnight success?” And, who gets to define success anyway?
Only you can.
I guess you should go ahead and start where you are.
Give yourself permission.